Letters to the Editor

If you feel strongly about an issue, letters to the editor can be an effective way to get the word out. The editorial page containing letters the editor is widely read and therefore an important advocacy tool. 

Palm Beach Post


  • Letters must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. 

  • Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length, and become property of The Palm Beach Post.

  • Maximum length: 200 words. 

Email your letter to letters@pbpost.com or fax it to (561) 820-4728 or send it via snail mail to: 
The Palm Beach Post
2751 S. Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Sun Sentiel (South Florida)


  • Keep your letter brief, the shorter the better (150 words should be your maximum; 100 words or fewer stands the best chance of being published).

  • Include your name, address and daytime phone number. (If you don’t include this information, we won’t consider your letter for publication.) Only your name and city will be published.

  • All letters are subject to editing. MOST letters are edited for clarification and length. Even the longest letters you see published have been trimmed.

  • Choose your words carefully. Letters that contain libelous, slanderous or bigoted statements will be edited or rejected.

  • We prefer to have letters submitted in typed or electronically transmitted form. However, we will accept handwritten letters, providing the handwriting is legible. If you are sending handwritten letters by fax, please be sure the writing is dark enough to transmit clearly.

  • Do NOT send your comments as an attachment. Even if the attachment survives our anti-virus software, it may not open in any of our applications.     


Email your letter to letters@sunsentinel.com

Palm Beach Daily News


  • The deadline for Sunday publication is noon on the previous Thursday. Letters will run on a space-available basis.

  • All are subject to editing for brevity, clarity and accuracy. Letters should focus on a single issue and not be longer than 350 words.

  • During elections, candidate endorsement letters will be held and published the Sunday before election day.

  • Please include your complete home address and a telephone number, in case our staff needs to contact you.

Email your letter to  letters@pbdailynews.com or send it via snail mail to:

Letters to the Editor
The Palm Beach Daily News
400 Royal Palm Way Suite 100
Palm Beach, FL 33480

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